
International Congress of Quantum Chemistry

The Academy has organized the triennial ICQC congress series since 1973, inviting scientists from around the world to present and discuss the latest advances in theoretical and computational chemistry.

17th ICQC

The 17th ICQC was held 26 June – 1 July 2023 in the Reduta Building in Bratislava, Slovakia. For details, contact Professor Jozef Noga.

16th ICQC

The 16th ICQC was held 18–23 June 2018 at Le Palais de I'Europe in Menton, France. For details, contact Professor Odile Eisenstein.

15th ICQC

The 15th ICQC was held 8–13 June 2015 at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. For details, contact Professor Zhigang Shuai.

14th ICQC

The 14th ICQC was held 25–30 June 2012 in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

13th ICQC

The 13th ICQC was held 22–27 June 2009 in Helsinki, Finland.

12th ICQC

The 12th ICQC was held 21–26 May 2006 in Kyoto, Japan.

11th ICQC

The 11th ICQC was held 2003 in Bonn.

10th ICQC

The 10th ICQC was held 2000 in Menton.

9th ICQC

The 9th ICQC was held 1997 in Atlanta.

8th ICQC

The 8th ICQC was held 1994 in Prague.

7th ICQC

The 7th ICQC was held 1991 in Menton.

6th ICQC

The 6th ICQC was held 1988 in Jerusalem.

5th ICQC

The 5th ICQC was held 1985 in Montreal.

4th ICQC

The 4th ICQC was held 1982 in Uppsala.

3th ICQC

The 3rd ICQC was held 1979 in Kyoto.

2nd ICQC

The 2nd ICQC was held 1976 in New Orleans.

1st ICQC

The 1st ICQC was held 1973 in Menton.